
Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

Let’s Hear From Our Satisfied Clients

With an extensive history of restoring beloved vehicles to their former glory or giving them a modern twist, we've made many customers happy over the years. Let’s hear what they have to say.


"Alex and Clint completely restored my 1968 Volkswagen Type 2 Camper Van and did a fantastic job. I supplied them with a fairly derelict vehicle in May of 2020 and they returned it immaculately refurbished in March 2022. Throughout the process Alex and Clint were meticulous in the work and extremely open with communication. As they dug further into the vehicle they did an enormous amount of research on the web and we discussed options and upgrades, worked through issues and plans, and carefully balanced buying new components or taking the time to rehabilitate the old stuff. It was an incredible amount of work and throughout the process they were fair in the pricing, open and honest about setbacks and adjustments, and took accountability for every part of the job. The best example of their commitment was when there was some engine trouble after-the-fact: Alex was incredibly helpful - at his own cost he made sure that the job was truly "done". Highly recommended."

~ Hans B-


"Controlled Khaos Customs IS the place to go if you are considering rebuilding a car. Alex and his team of experts do not disappoint! Alex took a 1973 VW beetle that was stored outside for 29 years, headed to the junkyard and saved it. I explained to him what my vision for the car was and he made it happen. His expertise, ingenuity, and skills are invaluable in the restoration. His professionalism, honesty, and communication with his clients is the best I have seen. I look forward to working with Controlled Khaos Customs on the '73 VW and any other project cars in the future.  Thank you again, Alex."

~ Mark D-


"It took me months of research to find the right company to repair my 69 Beetle and I found them. I highly recommend this company, they knew exactly what needed to be done and were upfront with me. I called, spoke with Clint, sent in photos and we came up with a an estimated price and game plan.

I needed my entire floor and firewall replaced. I was given a quote and time frame and they stuck to it. There was no surprise charges. The work is beyond amazing and can’t thank them enough. They even lined up the necessary panels to the existing body. I will use them again. Trust me if you want your car done right and be treated professionally to here."

~ Arthur Grajeda


"Always satisfied with the amazing work by Controlled Khaos! Their attention to the small details and wonderful customer service have made the process super convenient. They are knowledgeable, and I am so glad to use them for all my custom work."

~ Brandon Roeber


I was extremely satisfied with customer service, quality of work, communication, and detail orientation of Alex & Clint / Controlled Khaos Customs. I was about to give up on renovating my 1968 VW Beetle that my grandfather had bought in Germany, as I was unable to find anyone to take on a full renovation with the qualifications mentioned above. Fortunately I found Alex and Clint at Controlled Khaos Customs and could not be more satisfied: 

  • Alex and Clint struck the perfect balance of listening to what I wanted (keeping the classic look while adding a few subtle touches of new/custom feel) and providing their expertise and thoughtful input in areas where I did not have expertise or opinions. Their expertise and insights were instrumental in exterior color selection, interior color and material and engine & chassis specifications.
  • They took no short-cuts, given the pandemic supply issues, they didn’t cave to accepting lower quality parts - they were open in communication that they preferred to wait for authentic/factory-correct parts and if there were delays what delays I should expect.
  • Their billing, documentation, and photos were exceptional. Each invoice was accompanied by an enumerated list of all the work, purchases associated with the work and shop time. I didn’t have a single question or doubt on billing across the lifetime of the renovation. In addition, they provided excellent documentation when handing the car back to me including a huge repository of photos and documentation on parts and accessories purchased. 
  • The attention-to-detail is outstanding, from the hand stitching on the interior seating to matching the exterior color to the hubs/steering wheel/seatbelt colors as well as countless other aspects that make the total package greater truly greater than the sum of the parts.
  • Perhaps most telling of all is the reaction from the public, from the car show it was shown at to the comments and shocked looks I get from folks who see it for the first time. Even the most critical of people have nothing but great things to say when inspecting the car. 
  • I would highly recommend Alex and Clint to anyone who wants a quality renovation with a great customer-service oriented company. 

~ Phillip A-


"They are very knowledgeable when it comes to classic cars. Highly recommended."

~ Josh S-

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